Current problems of Europe

«The revolt against elites»: Radical right populism surge in Western Europe

Белинский А.В.

Belinskii A.V. – researcher, INION RAS, Ph.D. (Politics).


The article addresses the phenomenon of the modern radical– right populism in Europe, itcovers the cases ofthree political parties («Freedom Party of Austria», «National Front», and «Alternative for Germany»). Based on the analysis of the economic and political situation in the countries of the Old World and on the political programmes of those parties, the paper assumes that the right-wing populism has been caused by the «Welfare State» crisis, migration from the Third-World countriesas well as by globalization, and represents a «rebellion against elites». Despite the common features, national specificitieshave had a significant influence on the politics of each of the three parties. Possible ways of deterring the far-rightpopulism are discussed.


Radical-right populism, «National Front», «Alternative for Germany», «Freedom Party of Austria», crisis of liberal democracy.

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