Current problems of Europe

German–german relations from 1949 to 1990

А.М. Филитов

Filitov Alexey Mitrofanovich – Sc.D. in history, professor, chief researcher, Institute of World History RAS


The article describes the complex trajectory of the interrelations between two German states from their emergence to the moment of integration of the German Democratic Republic into the Federal Republic of Germany. The key method of scientific research is event-analysis. The article shows the features of formation and development of foreign policy concepts of the two German states vis-a-vis each other in the context of Cold war dynamics. Special attention is paid to the evolution of the opponent’s ideological perception. The article tries to show the real role of the USSR in determining the mode of behavior of the GDR vis-a-vis the Federal Republic of Germany. The phase of sharp confrontation and mutual non-recognition was superseded by the «détente» and the quest for a cooperative partnership. This process was launched when Moscow Treaty between the USSR and the FRG (1970) and the Basic Treaty between the GDR and the FRG (1972) were concluded. The article also analyzes specific steps that contributed to the rapprochement of the two German states. In the course of the rapprochement, the West German elite tried to limit the GDR’ sovereignty and influence its domestic policy. The reaction of the GDR was rather contradictory and ineffective. The article also shows the mutual interaction of political elites and civilians of two German states in 1970 s – 1980 s. In this regard, the reasons of complete domination of the Western political and economic concepts in 1989–1990 are examined. In conclusion, the author notes insufficient attention to some of the details connected with the destroying of the Berlin Wall.


«Hallstein doctrine», «People’s plan for Germany», «National document», Berlin Wall, «Change through rapprochement», Ulbricht, Honekker, Brandt, Kohl.

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