Current problems of Europe

NATO’s current cybersecurity and cyber defense strategies

Манойло А.В.

Manoilo Andrey Viktorovich – Sc.D. in Political Sciences, Ph.D in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher, INION RAN, Professor, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor, Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations, Sevastopol State University


This article is devoted to the study of the basic strategies and doctrines of cybersecurity and cyber defense of NATO. It is noted that information security and cybersecurity in official documents (concepts, doctrines, charters) of NATO countries are considered to be largely independent concepts that are not related (or very slightly related) to each other, and ensuring information security and ensuring cybersecurity are contemplated as independent areas of activity that overlap little with each other. This artificial separation is due to the fact that in the special services of these countries information security agents are mostly involved in the work, the main tools of which are operational combinations on the channels of open telecommunication networks (OTKS), and cybersecurity is carried out by technical and operational-technical workers (hacker programmers, hardware experts, etc.), whose main form of activity is cyber-attacks on the enemy’s protected information. At the same time, NATO, since 2018, is really making notable efforts in the field of ensuring cybersecurity and organizing cyber defense of the Alliance: in the institutional plan, specialized centers for active events (cyberoperations) and training centers in this field are actively being created; in the normative sphere, documents are being developed that can ensure the combat coordination of the actions of national contingents of cyberoperations specialists from various countries (voluntarily provided by NATO member states) as part of strategic military operations conducted by NATO. In terms of organizing and conducting special operations in cyberspace, NATO specialists rely on the so-called «cyber bases» of the Alliance – operational centers equipped with the latest technology and capable of ensuring the availability of communication resources around the world for operational groups of NATO special cyber or information operations forces deployed on their territory. A significant part of these bases is located along the perimeter of the borders of the Russian Federation (first belt of encirclement) and post-Soviet space (second belt). At the same time, the dominant member of NATO – the United States – has its own cyber bases, reporting only to the US cyber command, to which the United States will not allow specialists from other NATO countries. Some of them are located in Southeast Asia and are directed against China.


NATO, cybersecurity, cyber defense, strategy, cyberthreat, cyberspace.

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