Current problems of Europe

Political conflicts in the context of interdependence: New forms of foreign policy in the XXIst century

Братерский М.В.

Bratersky M.V. – doctor of Sciences (Sc.D. in political sciences), leading researcher, head of sector, department of Europe and America, INION, Russian Academy of sciences, professor of the Faculty of world economy and international affairs, Higher school of economics, leading researcher, Center for comprehensive European and international studies, Higher school of economics.


In the situation of high interdependence, resulting from globalization in trade, finance and transportation, states are increasingly considering interdependence as a national security issue and as a tool of foreign policy. Political struggle between the great powers in the XXI century relies on the use of own trade, financial normative and infrastructural advantages over other countries. National security policy today involves the strategy aimed at decreasing own vulnerability from rival countries. Economic benefits are sacrificed for the gains in national security.


Globalization, foreign policy, international trade, national security, finance.

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