Current problems of Europe

Between Scylla and Charybdis: Britain’s place in the contemporary world

Ковалев И.Г.

Kovalev I.G. – doctor of sciences (Sc.D. in history), professor of the department of international relations, Faculty of world economy and international affairs, Higher school of economics, First deputy dean, Deputy dean for research of the Faculty of world economy and international affairs, Higher school of economics.


The article examines the problem how the UK is finding current strategy of foreign policy in the emerging multipolar world system. Author analyzes the historical experience and prospects of relations of the United Kingdom with the US, EU and developing countries, especially with new centers of power – China, India, Southeast Asia and Commonwealth States. Special attention is paid to the latest trends in the foreign policy of the country – the evolution of a «special relationship» with the US and the specificities of London participation in the European integration processes.


United Kingdom, foreign policy, Conservative party, Labour Party, «special relationship», European integration, Commonwealth, globalization

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