Current problems of Europe

«He is back again»: A case of National Socialist Underground and the threat of right-wing terrorism in Germany

Белинский А.В.

Belinsky A.V. – Ph.D. in political sciences, leading editor, Department of European security, INION RAS.


Abstract. The paper deals with the phenomenon of rightwing terrorism in Germany nowadays presenting a case study analysis of the National Socialist Underground group. The work examines the correlation of right-wing extremism and terrorism, exposes the reasons of growing popularity of neo-nazi thinking in East Germany after the country reunited, which eventually gave rise to thegroup. The author believes that the protracted existence of the National Socialist Underground could be explained by ineffective activities of German security services. The article draws a conclusion that despite the crackdown of the group there is still a threat of right-wing terrorism in Germany.


Keywords: right-wing terrorism, National Socialist Underground, right-wing extremism in Germany, neo-nazism.

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