Belinsky Andrey Victorovich – PhD in Political Sciences, Senior Researcher, INION RAN
The article looks at the phenomenon of the ideological movement in Western Europe (France, Austria, Germany). The ideological forerunners of the ideological movement were the French New Right (A. de Benoit, J. Mabir, D. Venner, etc), who made a political and socio-cultural analysis of the 1968 experience in order to construct a new ideology for the right-wing camp. It was to a large extent the philosophy of the New Right that provided the basis for the Identitarian movement that emerged in 2012. It owes its emer-gence and initial success to the crisis of the “old” right, the demand by some nationalistically minded young people for new forms of political movement and the attractiveness of the ideological agenda. In doing so, from the very beginning, the ideological movement sought to distance itself from the “old” right-wing organisations that had already been discredited in the eyes of the population. While formally proclaiming the rejection of racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia, the ideological extremists criticised EU migration policy and multiculturalism from the point of view of the cultural incompatibility between Middle Easterners and the native population. The main bet was on gaining cultural hegemony and attracting young people to their side. To this end, the activists of the movement, who had carefully analysed the experience of the left-wing forces, have carried out a series of high-profile actions designed to attract the attention of both the media and the public. t In particular, members of the ideology movement have taken over mosque buildings, put up banners in public places, etc. Furthermore, ideological organisations in France, Germany and Austria developed close collaboration with local right-wing populist parties (National Rally, Austrian Freedom Party, Alternative for Germany). However, although they made some political success, the ideological movement faced sev-eral difficulties, such as the defection of some activists to right-wing parties, persecution by the justice system and security services, the lack of new ideas etc., that made its prospects for the future rather unclear.
the indentitarian movement, the New Right, A. de Benoit, the cultural revolution, new social movements
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