Current problems of Europe

To the contributors

Submission guidelines 

The «Current problems of Europe» (CPE) journal publishes articles on foreign policy of European countries and the activities of international organizations in which they take part, focusing on social, political and economic development of European states. 

The journal does not publish articles or materials that were already published in other academic journals or on the Internet. The copyrights to all articles and materials published in the journal are owned by the editors and authors. Reprints of the published articles and materials as well as extracts from them should only be allowed with the consent of the editors and with indication of the journal’s title, the year and number of the issue, author’s name and the title of the article.

In the event that the author consents to have his/her article published, the Editorial board signs a license agreement with him/her. According to it, the author pledges to grant the editors exclusive rights to the article. It means that the editors then have the right to disseminate the printed copies of the journal with this article until the total circulation of the journal is distributed and, also, to put up the article or corresponding materials on the Internet. In turn, the authors have the right to include the text of their article into their book, whether collectively or individually.

The journal does not charge any publication fees. Honorariums are not paid.


The articles and materials for publication are accepted in Russian and English.

The maximum length of the submitted text should not exceed 40 000 characters (with spaces). The submitted file is to contain the full name and initials of the author in Russian as well as the year when the article was written, for example: Новиков_АС_2019. The texts are accepted via email to the official address of the editors ( or via the journal’s site.

The editors undertake a scientific process of the texts by means of the «blind peer review». If the texts need elaboration, the author is informed with the recommendations based on the «blind peer review». In case of rejection, the editors send a letter to the author explaining their decision on the base of the peer review.

The main requirements for the publication:

The editors reserve the right to edit texts, including their reduction, without distorting the meaning of the work or the information contained in it. The authors bear full responsibility for the content of their work, the accuracy of statistical data, quotes, and citations as well as absence of plagiarism. The opinions of the author may not coincide with the opinions of editorial staff.


The texts submitted in a technically incorrect way are not accepted.

The fonts and intervals:

of the abstract and keywords: italic font Times New Roman 14, interval 1,0;

of the article’s text: font Times New Roman 14, interval 1,5;

of the list of sources and bibliography, references – font Times New Roman 12, interval 1,0.

The article consists of the following main parts:

  1. Author, title, abstract and keywords in Russian.
    At the top of the first page should be indicated the last name and initials of the author and the copyright mark printed in bold font 14.
    For example: Vasiliev I.V. ©
    Following is the title of the article printed in bold font 14.
    For example: British approach towards the resolution of armed conflicts in Africa
    This is followed by abstract of 220-250 words that describes the task of the research, its methods, basic points and results.
    For example: Abstract. The article analyzes the British position towards armed conflicts zones in Mali and Somali...
    This is followed by keywords (5-10).
    For example: Keywords: United Kingdom, Africa, armed conflicts, separatism, international terrorism, instability, Mali, Somalia.
  2. Author, title, abstract and keywords in English on a similar pattern.
    The structure and the length of the abstract (220-250 words) are as indicated above.
  3. The text of the article, in which the authors:
    substantiate the relevance of their work,
    clearly articulate its objective,
    describe the methodology and methods of the research,
    provide a review of literature on the chosen subject area and, in this connection, indicate the novelty of their research,
    present a well-structured and based on the widest possible range of sources ways of achieving the research objectives,
    describe the main results of the research,
    state the conclusions to which the authors have arrived.
    The bibliography links in the article should be indicated in square brackets. If the reference was made to an article or monograph (or to their Internet-versions), the author (or the first three authors), year of the publication and the pages (if there are any) are indicated. For example: [Buzan, 2015, p. 143]. If the reference was made to a source (including an Internet-source), the first two words are indicated (with an article three), then three dots, year and pages (if there are any). For example: [Antrag der Bundesregierung.., 2015, S. 47].
  4. Bibliography and References.
    In Bibliography, publications in Russian are presented in a non-numbered list and in Russian alphabetical order, and in other languages in English alphabetical order.
    For monographs or collective works, the author (authors), title, place of publication, publishers, year of publication, volume in pages, and an Internet-source are indicated, if any.
    For example:
    Rokkan S. Citizens, elections, parties: Approaches to the comparative study of the process of development. – Colchester: ECRP Press, 2009. – 488 p.
    For articles, the author (authors), title, journal, place of publication, publishers, year of publication, volume, issue, pages, and an Internet-source are indicated, if any.
    For example:
    Mearsheimer J. The false promise of international institutions // International security. – Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995. – Vol. 10, Issue 3. – P. 5–49.

    For Internet-sources, the author (authors), title, site, place of publication (if known), year of publication, pages, and an Internet-reference (with the date of access), if any.
    For example:
    Berman Sh. Global warning // The New York Times. – N.Y., 2014. – 11.09. – Mode of access: (Date of access: – 24.07.2018).
    In References all publications are presented in English alphabetical order. The year of publication should be indicated in round brackets immediately after the author (or after the title, if there is no author) followed by a reference made according to the Bibliography scheme described above.
    If a source, an article or a book is in Russian, please translate the all publication output into English language and transliterate (BSI standard) ONLY the title of the publication on the site
    In this case, following the title, should be indicated the transliterated title in italic font in square brackets.
    For example:
    Manojlo A.V. (2018). The fight against international terrorism in the United States: Experience, practice, tools [Bor’ba s mezhdunarodnym terrorizmom v SShA: Opyt, praktika, instrumentarii] // World economy and international relations. – Moscow. – Vol. 62, Issue 7. – P. 122–128.
    Rokkan S. (2009). Citizens, elections, parties: Approaches to the comparative study of the process of development. – Colchester: ECRP Press. – 488 p.
  5. Information about the author(s) in Russian and English is placed at the end of the article and contains: the full name of the author, academic degree (if there is any), academic rank (if there is any), position, and place of work. The authors are also free to indicate their emails and phone numbers for a feedback.