Current problems of Europe

Introduction. Fragmentation vs globalization

Братерский М.В.

Bratersky Maxim Vladimirovich – Sc.D. in Political Sciences, Leading Researcher, Head of Sector, INION RAS


Since 2008, a gradual slowdown and retreat of globalization began, that is, the process of economic, social and political integration supported by accelerated technological progress, especially noticeable in the field of digital technologies. In the last decade, some influential political and public figures have actively opposed globalization, both because they disagreed with the omnipotence of transnational corporations and with the gradual erosion of national identities and cultures, and because of certain negative economic consequences that have emerged during globalization processes. Others saw globalization as a danger, fraught with the establishment of external control over their territories, resources and national monetary systems. COVID-19 pandemics deepened the gaps in the world system, global logistics were destroyed, many companies were shut down. Governments of advanced countries were forced to allocate huge funds to save their companies and support households, but provoked global inflation. Together with the growing economic difficulties, the conflicts between the West and Russia, coupled with conflicts between Western countries and the Arab world, as well as with China, marked the transition to the creation of a new multipolar system, the total reversal of globalization and the beginning of the fragmentation of the world into economic, political, technological and monetary units. The world will unite again in a few decades, but, apparently, in the emerging multipolar system this will look different than it does today.


globalization, deglobalization, fragmentation, geo-economic blocs, multipolarity.

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